2015年8月20日,由中交三航局三公司承建的南京港西坝港区西坝作业区四期扩建工程码头主体顺利完工。本工程紧邻南京化工园区,码头平台总长279 m,其中桩台长246 m,宽20 m,为整桩台结构,采用排架式高桩梁板结构。码头共设4个结构段,采用悬臂结构分段。排架间距为8 m,桩台每个排架设2根直桩(Ф1 000 mmP HC管桩),2对叉桩(Ф800 mmP HC管桩);码头中段泥面高程低于-10 m的结构段,
On August 20, 2015, the main phase of the four-phase expansion project of Xiba operation area in Xiba Port, Nanjing Port, which was constructed by the three companies of CNAC and CNCA, was successfully completed. The project is close to Nanjing Chemical Industry Park. The wharf platform has a total length of 279 m, of which the pile length is 246 m and the width is 20 m. Pier a total of four structural segments, the use of cantilever structure segment. The spacing between the two shelves is 8 m. Two straight piles (Ф1 000 mmP HC pipe piles) and two pairs of fork piles (Ф800 mmP HC pipe piles) are arranged on each piles table. segment,