说到明星与体育的关系,我总忘不了发生在纽约的一幂—— 在《北京人在纽约》剧组,以冯小刚为代表的几十个中国人经常对美籍演员戴博灌输的思想是“中国比美国好”,在屡次“舌战群儒”均一无所获之后,终于有一天说到了体育,但见戴博面对瘦骨嶙峋的冯小刚说:“我是大学里的冰球运动员,比运动你们都不如我,不信咱们比比谁做的俯卧撑多!”正当冯小刚们张口结舌的时候,姜文挺身而出——“我跟你比!看看谁的单臂俯卧撑做得多!”说罢当真来了许多单臂俯卧撑……
When it comes to the relationship between celebrities and sports, I can never forget a power that New York takes - in the Beijingers in New York crew, the dozens of Chinese people represented by Feng Xiaogang often infused with American performers De Bo “China is better than the United States,” and after repeated “verbal gangsters,” they finally said sports one day, but Feng Xiaogang, who said she was skinny, said: “I am an ice hockey player at college and I’m not as good at sports as you are. I do not believe we do more than who do push-ups! ”Just as Feng Xiaogang flattering, Jiang Wen came forward -“ I told you to see who do single-handed push-ups do more! ” Arm push-ups ...