1936年10月19日,鲁迅先生辞别了人世。当时最后诀别的一幕,许多年之后,依然异常清晰地浮现在周海婴的记忆之中: 七八点钟以后,前来吊唁的人也慢慢增加了,但大家动作仍然很轻,只是默默的哀悼。忽然,我听到楼梯咚咚一阵猛响,外边有一个人,抢起快步,跨进门来,我来不及猜想,人随声到,只见一个大汉,直奔父亲床前,没有犹疑,没有停歇,没有俗套和应酬,扑到床前,跪倒在地,像一头狮子一样,石破惊天的号啕大哭。他扑向父亲
On October 19, 1936, Mr. Lu Xun said goodbye to the world. At the end of the farewell scene many years later, the memory of Zhou Haiying remained unusually clear: After seven or eight o’clock the people who came to the condolences also gradually increased, but everyone was still very quiet, only silently mourning . Suddenly, I heard a sudden pounding of the stairs pounding, there is a person outside, grabbing fast, cross the door, I have no time to guess, people rushed to, I saw a big man, went straight to his father bed, no hesitation, no stop , There is no stereotypes and entertainment, rushed to the bed, fell to his knees, like a lion, broken stone shaking the number cried. He pounced at his father