茶刺蛾Darna trima Moore分布于贵州、浙江、安徽、台湾等省。1985年在广西桂林茶科所的茶树上首次发现为害,第一代只在几亩茶园内零星出现,第三代在上百亩茶园大量发生。被害茶树,轻则将叶背表皮和叶肉吃去,留下圆形或不规则形枯焦状上表皮,或咬成圆形或不规则的孔洞,重则将叶片全部吃光。一般中、下层成叶被害达70—90%。1985年笔者对此虫进行了系统调查和饲养观察,现将初步结果整理如下。
Darna trima Moore tea distribution in Guizhou, Zhejiang, Anhui, Taiwan and other provinces. In 1985, the tea tree in Guilin, Guangxi Branch of the Institute for the first time found harm, the first generation only in a few acres of tea sporadic appear, the third generation in hundreds of acres of tea plantations. Tea tree damage, ranging from leaf epidermis and mesophyll to eat, leaving a round or irregular shaped dry coke-like epidermis, or bite into a round or irregular holes, weight will be all the leaves eaten. In general, the lower into the leaf damage up to 70-90%. In 1985 I conducted a systematic investigation of this pest and feeding observations, the preliminary results are now organized as follows.