
来源 :钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahonglin
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我在《钓鱼》杂志曾发表过一篇关于手竿库钓的文章。在谈到手竿库钓鲌鱼时,我谈了以下三个观点:1.鲌鱼类繁殖力强,既是水库的优势种群,又是养殖水域的有害鱼类,用悬坠钓拉饵或搓饵打浮,效率很高。2.水库浮钓的饵料,基本上是以腥为主,拉饵 I published an article on fishing rod magazine in Fishing magazine. When it comes to hand-pole fishing of catfish, I talk about the following three points: 1. Catfish strong reproductive capacity, both the dominant population of the reservoir, but also harmful fish farming waters, fishing with a hanging bait or rubbing Bait floating, high efficiency. 2. Reservoir fishing bait, basically fishy, ​​pull the bait
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