【摘 要】
Numerical modeling of three cases (Fuka Mine,Okayama;Shouda Mine,Okayama;Tokiwa Mine,Fukushima) of mining in Japan using FLAC (fast Lagrangian analysis of conti
【机 构】
Department of Civil Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Yamaguchi University,Ube Yamaguchi-ken 755-86
Numerical modeling of three cases (Fuka Mine,Okayama;Shouda Mine,Okayama;Tokiwa Mine,Fukushima) of mining in Japan using FLAC (fast Lagrangian analysis of continua) is introduced to evaluate the stability of hilltop excavation. Ubiquitous joint model is adopted to account for the presence of weak planes,such as weathering joints,bedding planes,in FLAC Mohr-Coulomb model. By studying the distribution of stress,displacement and safety factor,the stability of excavation can be evaluated and new suggestions based on the numerical modeling process can be presented. Further consideration and methodology of the numerical modeling method are also discussed.
用较简单的数学方法, 推导出了非风险中性定价意义下的股票欧式期权定价公式, 该公式在风险中性意义下包含了原始的Black-Scholes公式.
利用非线性增生映射值域的扰动定理,研究了非线性椭圆边值问题(@)在L2(Ω)中解的存在性.rn(@){-△pu+g(x,u)=f a.e.在Ω中rn -〈v,|(△)u|p-2(△)u〉
【中图分类号】R-3 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2012)08-0187-02 慢性支气管炎急性发作临床治疗症状缓解后,仍有部分患者肺底部啰音难以消失,我们采用超短波综合拔火罐的治疗方法,治疗肺底部啰音取得了满意的效果,现报告如下:,
The strength and deformation characteristics of sedimentary soft rock evaluated in relation to several large-scale research and construction projects in Japan a
The tensile strength of a single soil particle is usually measured indirectly by compressing the grain between flat platens until failure occurs,and is defined