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一、合作原则和会话含义美国哲学家Grice认为,言语交际中,交际双方都有相互合作、求得交际成功的愿望,为此,人们需要遵守一些诸如真实、充分、关联、清楚等原则和准则,这就是合作原则。但在实际的谈话过程中,常常会出现违反合作原则 I. Principles of Co-operation and Conversational Implications Grice, a philosopher in the United States, believes that in communication, both parties in communication have the desire to work together to achieve success in communication. Therefore, people need to abide by some principles and guidelines such as truthfulness, adequacy, relevance and clarity This is the principle of cooperation. However, during the actual conversation, the principle of cooperation is often breached
辩论赛上你才思敏捷字字珠玑,新年音乐会上你风度翩翩优雅淡定,就算是在中午去食堂抢位子的人群中,你也挺拔得像一株小白杨,从容地戴着耳机听音乐,仿佛周围的喧嚣与你无关,醒目得让我一眼就认出你。  我一度绝望地认为自己很不行。我以为自己只会慌里慌张弄砸所有的事情,“优雅”、“淡定”这些词语永远不可能用到我身上。开心了就会大笑,难过了就会大哭,我不懂得收敛,绝不可能像你一样给别人留下近乎完美的形象。  可