根据首届全国包装动力学与结构设计学术讨论会会议纪要,由包装防振缓冲研究会主办的第二届包装动力学与结构设计学术讨论会将于1988年第四季度在杭州召开。学术讨论将就以下内容征文: 1.包装结构设计 2.包装技术 3.包装试验与测试 4.包装材料 5.运输环境与标准 6.包装防振理论及计算 7.其它凡欲参加学术讨论会的人士,可在1988年7月15日前提交论文摘要(300字),9月15日前提交论文全文(5千字)。对已在公开刊物上发表或全国性学术会议宣读过的论文,将不再征集。会议筹备及通讯处:浙江大学力学系包装研究室。
According to the first session of the National Packaging Dynamics and Structure Design Symposium Minutes, Packaging Anti-vibration Buffer Research will be hosted by the second session of the Packaging Dynamics and Structural Design Symposium will be held in Hangzhou in the fourth quarter of 1988. Academic discussion will be on the following essay: 1. Packaging Design 2. Packaging Technology 3. Packaging Testing and Testing 4. Packaging Materials 5. Transport Environment and Standards 6. Packaging Anti-vibration Theory and Calculation 7. Others To attend the Symposium , May submit the abstracts (300 words) before July 15, 1988, and the full papers (5 words) by September 15. Papers that have been read in public publications or national conferences will not be solicited. Conference Preparation and Communications Division: Zhejiang University Department of Mechanical Packaging Research.