This article illustrates the basic principles for choosing the most suitable CFC 12 alternative refrigerant for a small refrigeration hermetic compressor. The method includes a simple analysis of some of the physical and thermodynamic properties of each refrigerant working in a small refrigeration system over the evaporating and condensing temperatures. Comparisons of these parameters such as vapor pressure, compression ratio, final isentropic compression temperature, and volumetric refrigeration are provided between the refrigerant compartments. The Embraco program for the development of hermetic compressors for new refrigerants is presented. Program optimization, material miscibility analysis, performance and reliability of product testing and production methods are taken into account. A schedule from the initial refrigerant analysis to the beginning of the production process has been established. The strategy of phasing in new environmentally friendly refrigerants and phase-out of CFC compounds is discussed. Taking Brazil as an example, it gives the difference between developed and developing countries.