球,从迭戈·马拉多纳脚下飞起,越过四名防守队员的头顶,不可思议的直射对方球门,被惊醒的守门员不顾一切的猛扑过去,但它却神奇地直落网底——得分! 布宜诺斯艾利斯人在几千里外,从电视实况广播中看到这个精彩的进球,在球落入网底的刹那,整座城就同时炸开了锅.这是很不寻常的进球,只有贝利在他鼎盛时期才以如此的胆识和高超的技艺踢进这样的球. 大约是去年十月下旬一个星期日的晚上,意大利那不勒斯圣保罗体育场爆满,77,000名观众在观看马拉多纳所在的队纳波里和意大利甲级联赛冠军队丰洛纳的一次比赛.纳波里队已经以2比0领先,在第二场开始就控制
The ball flew at the foot of Diego Maradona over the head of four defensive players, unbelievably directing the opponent’s goal, the awakened goalkeeper flinging in spite of everything, but it magically settled The Buenos Aires, thousands of miles away from the live broadcast of the television to see this wonderful goal, the ball fell into the net at the moment, the entire city at the same time explode the pot. Unusual goals, only Bailey in his heyday with such courage and superb skills such a ball into the ball. About late last Sunday in late October last year, the stadium in Naples, Italy, Sao Paulo is full, 77,000 viewers are watching Maradona where the team Napoli and the Italian Serie A champion Fenglona game.Napoli team has 2 to 0 lead in the second began to control