东兴镇──芒街 猴年正月初十,笔者从钦州出发,来到北仑河口的东兴镇。这个广西边境重镇,现在成了中越边贸的集散地之一。双方边民凭身份证,办理简单入境手续,便可自由进出两国。北仑河上的小船,像赛龙舟似的穿梭往返中越两国之间。纷至沓来的越南人,在东兴街道上摩肩接踵,或做
Dongxing Town ─ ─ Mang Street Monkey the first lunar month ten, the author departure from Qinzhou, came to the Beilun estuary Dongxing Town. This Guangxi border town has now become one of the distribution centers for cross-border trade between China and Vietnam. Both sides of the border with ID cards, for simple immigration procedures, they can freely enter and leave the two countries. Beilun River boat, like a dragon boat shuttle between the two countries. Flocks of Vietnamese, crowded in Dongxing streets, or do