细心的读者会发现,“百姓理财”这个全新的栏目是紧跟着“策划财富版”的大旗闪亮登场的,意在告诉大家:我们在大张旗鼓地呼唤“大策划、大智慧、大操作”的同时,猛然发现,对我们的钱袋还太应该策划策划,使之或者取之不尽,或者用之不竭——起码别时不时地就感到囊中羞涩,你说对不? 家庭财政不可小视,大至数以万计的投资选择,小到柴米油盐的日常消费,在料理钱财过程中,你的得失和感想一定不少,不妨告诉我们。精论也好,巧叙也罢,只要能自圆其说,本栏目一律欢迎。相信你们这些行家里手的真知灼见,能让当家理财者茅塞顿开,甚至拍案叫绝;能让“百姓理财”这个栏目精品云集,温馨如家。
Careful readers will find that the new section of “People Finance” is followed by the banner of “Planning Wealth Edition.” It is intended to tell you that we are in a big way calling for “big planning, great wisdom and great operation ”At the same time, I suddenly found that the planning of our pocket money should be too too, or inexhaustible, or inexhaustible - at least from time to time feel embarrassed, you say right? Family finance Not to be overlooked, as many as tens of thousands of investment options, as small as daily consumption of daily necessities, in the process of cooking money, your gain and loss of a certain number of ideas, may wish to tell us. Ye Hao Ye Hao, Qiao Syria worth mentioning, as long as able to justify, this section will be welcome. I believe you all these experts in the hands of insightful, so that when the family financial management to open, or even beat the case; let “people financial management” section boutique gathered, warm home.