Stainless steel - carbon steel laminate heated by laser rapid bending, the bending zone thickening phenomenon. With IPP image processing software to measure the thickness of each layer and the grain size of carbon steel layer, based on the temperature gradient mechanism analysis of bending thickening mechanism and law. The results show that the grain growth and the size increase during the heating process of the stainless steel laminate, resulting in thermal expansion and thickening. In the forward bending process, the grains are extruded and elongated under bending stress, Under the combined action of the two parties, the thickness of the sheet increases and the thermal expansion increases. Thickening occurs mainly in the upper stainless steel and carbon steel, carbon steel thickening value accounted for more than 69%. Finally, the influence laws of energy parameters such as power, scanning speed, scanning times and defocusing amount on the thickened value were studied, which provided theoretical and experimental basis for improving laser bending accuracy and quality.