Analysis of the typhoon wave distribution simulated in WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ model in the context of Kuroshio

来源 :海洋湖沼学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiniao6688
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To investigate the relationship between surface currents and wave distributions in typhoons,we took the Typhoon Talim in 2017 as a case,and found that the track of the typhoon winds up to 50 rn/s was almost consistent with the Kuroshio track,particularly from September 13 to 16,2017.The surface current data,derived from the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) from the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR),revealed that the speed of the wind-induced current exceeded that of the Kuroshio in the region with the maximum wind speed.In this study,was utilized a third-generation numeric wave model,WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ (the latest version 5.16),developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),to simulate the wave fields of Typhoon Talim using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis wind data in 0.125 ° ×0.125° grid as the forcing field.We found that the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the significant wave height (SWH) was 0.34 m when validated against measurements from altimeter Jason-2.In addition,we discovered that the SWH had a similar tendency to the change in the surface current speed that was approximately 0.5 m/s at the beginning of Typhoon Talim.However,the relationship became weak as the surface current speed was below 0.2 m/s.Our findings show that the distribution of typhoon waves is resulted from the interaction of surface current and the wind-sea portion of the wave system,since the distribution pattern of wind-sea is consistent with the surface current,and there is a weak relationship between surface current and swell.
作者简介:苗婷,玉溪师范学院文学院2010级对外汉语班,学号:2010032132。  摘要:武术是中国国粹的代表之一,是中国悠久灿烂文明的见证。伴随武术的丰富与发展,形成了大量的武术专门用语,它丰富了中国文化,有着超出武术之外的丰富文化内涵,与中国文化中的哲学、审美等内容有着密切的联系,促进了中国文化的发展。此外,从语言学角度分析,武术专门用语在词汇等方面有着丰富而鲜明的语言特点。它丰富了汉语词
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