生命的第一声呐喊,人生的第一乐章,均由啼哭开始。我们每个人来到这个世界上,发出的第一个声音就是哭。做爸爸妈妈的,都在期盼这孕育了十个月的第一声啼哭,都把婴儿的第一声啼哭当作是世上最动听的语言,最美的音符……从出生到学会用准确的语言来表达自己的愿望,这期间孩子的感觉、感情以及很多生理上的需求都是用哭来表达的。那么,年轻的父母们,您是否研究过宝宝哭声的内涵,是否有兴趣探求一下宝宝哭声中的奥秘? 饥饿哭:哭声不很剧烈,但却是连续的。此时孩子吃到胃里的奶都已经排空了,排到肠道里了,这个时候由于孩子有
The first cry of life cry, the first movement of life, all started by crying. Every one of us came to this world and the first voice we uttered was crying. Mom and Dad, are looking forward to this gave birth to the first ten months of crying, the baby’s first cry as the most pleasant language in the world, the most beautiful notes ... ... From birth to learn to use accurate Language to express their wishes, during which the child’s feelings, feelings and many physiological needs are expressed by crying. So, young parents, have you ever studied the baby crying connotation, are interested in exploring the baby crying mystery? Hunger crying: crying is not very intense, but it is continuous. At this point the child ate the stomach milk has been emptied, discharged to the intestine, and this time because the child has