想入飞飞故事接龙 少年印第安补天 第五季 目标——拉玛大森林!

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《少年印第安补天》第四季讲到乔布斯要去救印第安了,印第安能否脱险呢?让我们一起看看第五季吧空中,乔布斯正骑着“苹果牌”扫帚在QQ小助手的指引下火速赶往目的地。不一会儿,乔布斯就接近了目的地。他四处寻找着印第安的身影,没想到,一群在他旁边飞行的鸟突然向他扑来。乔布斯只好一只手紧紧抓着扫帚柄,一只手慌乱地拨开周围的鸟,好为自己杀出一条“血路”!从鸟群里出来,乔布斯习惯性地摸了摸裤兜。糟了,裤兜里的iPhone早已不见踪影。他又扭头一看,绑在扫帚后面的救援工具箱也没了。肯定是刚才经过鸟群的时候掉了,看来现在只能靠自己了。就在这时,印第安熟悉的身影映入他的眼帘——印第安被胖仔捆绑着向这边走,怀里还紧紧地抱着恐龙 “Indian teenager Indiana days,” the fourth quarter about Steve Jobs to save the Indian, the Indian can out of danger? Let us take a look at the fifth quarter of it in the sky, Steve Jobs is riding “Apple” broom in the QQ assistant Under the guidance of rushed to the destination. A short while, Steve Jobs is close to the destination. He was looking for Indian figure, did not expect, a group of birds flying next to him suddenly rushed to him. Steve Jobs had a hand clutching a broomstick, a hand in the panic to poke around the birds, so as to kill a “blood”! Out from the flock, Steve Jobs habitually touched the trousers pocket. Bad, iPhone in his pocket has disappeared. He turned again and the aid kit tied to the back of the broom was gone. It must have passed by just past the flocks of birds, and it seems that now it can only depend on itself. Just then, the familiar Indian figure reflected in his eyes - Indian was tied to the side of the fat Aberdeen, the arms still hold the dinosaurs
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