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去年以来,兴隆台区委、区政府从改进作风入手,着力强化全区各级党员干部的作风建设,“四风”问题明显改善,但存在的问题依然不容忽视。从区级和直属单位领导班子、领导干部看,突出表现为政绩观出现偏差,热衷“显绩”、不抓“隐绩”;组织观念淡薄,有令不行、有禁不止;作风漂浮,口号喊得响、工作落不实;精神懈怠,进取意识差、“软骨病”严重。从街道(农场)、村、社区等其他组织看,主要表现为责任心不强,社情一知半解、民情一无所知;落实惠民政策跑偏走样,好事落不实、办不好;方法简单粗暴, Since last year, Xinglongtai district committee and district government started with improving their style of work and made every effort to strengthen the work style of Party members and cadres at all levels in the entire district. The issue of “Four Winds” has obviously improved. However, the existing problems still can not be ignored. From the district-level and directly under the leadership of the leading bodies, leading cadres, highlighted the deviation of performance concept, keen Floating style, slogan shouted loudly, the work is not real; spirit slack, progressive consciousness is poor, “” Rickets "serious. From the street (farms), villages, communities and other organizations, the main performance is not strong sense of responsibility, community know little about, no knowledge of the public situation; implementation of the beneficiary policies run away, good things go wrong, do not do well; the method is simple rough,
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