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产前B超:胎儿无异常产妇刘某,30岁,结婚后三年于1998年6月10日被P医院妇产科诊断为“孕16周”。从1998年8月起,遵医嘱每隔半月在P医院进行产前保健与检查。至1998年10月30日已作6次B超,每次B超结果均是:未发现胎儿异常。为防意外,于1998年11月8日住院待产。婴儿出生缺左上肢,医患纠纷由此生1998年11月16日下午2点,产妇刘某被送入产房。由于产前检查认为胎儿一切正常,刘某的父母、家公家婆、丈夫等均在产房外等候“佳音”。下午3时10分,新生儿的第一声啼哭让产房外的亲人兴奋不已。刘某家婆敲产房门问护士:“是男孩还是女孩?”护士答:“是男孩。”众人更是喜不自禁下午3时20分左右,产房内传出产妇刘某的悲哭声,且声音越来越大,令产房外的亲人大惑不解。追问医护人员,护士说:“新生儿缺左上肢。”亲人们简直不相信自己的耳朵,也难以接受这残酷的事实:“医生不是说胎儿正常吗?!怎么会缺左上肢 Prenatal Ultrasound: Fetus No abnormal maternal Liu, 30 years old, three years after marriage was in June 10, 1998 was diagnosed as ”pregnancy 16 weeks“ by the P gynecology and obstetrics department. From August 1998, doctors are prescribed to perform antenatal care and examinations at P hospital every half month. By the end of October 30, 1998, six B-ultrasounds have been performed. The result of each B-ultrasound was: no fetal abnormalities were found. To prevent accidents, he was hospitalized on November 8, 1998. The baby was born with a left upper limb, and the doctor-patient dispute was born at 2 pm on November 16, 1998. The mother, Liu, was sent to the delivery room. As the prenatal check that the fetus is all normal, Liu’s parents, family, husband, and her husband are waiting outside the delivery room. At 3:10 in the afternoon, the first crying of the newborn made the relatives outside the delivery room excited. Liu Miao knocked on the door to ask the nurse: ”Is it a boy or a girl?“ ”The nurse answered:“ is a boy. ”The crowd couldn’t help but saturate at about 3:20 in the afternoon. A cry of sorrow, and a louder voice, makes the loved ones outside the delivery room puzzled. After questioning medical staff, the nurse said: “Newborns have left upper limbs.” The relatives simply do not believe in their own ears, and it is difficult to accept this cruel fact: "Does the doctor not say that the fetus is normal?! How can the left upper extremity be absent?
20 0 2年 12月 2 6日下午 ,沈阳铁路局中心医院成为我附属第四医院的签字仪式在沈阳医学院学术报告厅举行。沈阳市人民政府吕亿环副市长、王玲副市长、沈阳铁路局刘汉涛副局
前言土壤进行淹水处理,是对一些士壤传染病害进行生态防治的有效措施之一。在对人参锈腐病(国外称根腐病root rot)的防治和老参地改造中,进行过淹水处理试验和实行水旱田轮
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