众所周知,郭沫若是我国著名的作家、学者。其最早以文学成就而蜚身文坛,是新文化运动中第一代著名作家之一。他聪颖好学,才气横溢,著述极丰,仅文学作品的出版就达数十卷。 上海良友图书公司初建于一九三五年。开始以编辑出版画报、画册和摄影作品等为主要业务。但1931年,赵家璧先生参加良友图书公司后,给原来只出画报等的良友图书公司“注入了新的血液”,(茅盾语)在他的主持下,开始大量编辑出版新文化图书,在短短的几年时间内,成绩斐然,名声鹊起,使良友图书公司成为我国30年代进步的文化出版阵地。在业务上与编辑画报并驾齐驱,平分秋色。后来由于八·一三战争和湘桂战
As we all know, Guo Moruo is a famous writer and scholar in our country. Its earliest literary accomplishments and become famous literary world, is one of the first generation of famous writers in the New Culture Movement. He was clever and studious, brilliant, writing extremely rich, literary works published only dozens of volumes. Shanghai Liangyou Book Company was first built in 1935. Start editing and publishing newspapers, pictures and photographs as the main business. However, in 1931, after taking part in Liangyou Book Company, Mr. Zhao Jiabi “injected new blood” into the company of Liangyou, which originally had only pictorials, etc. Under his auspices, a large number of new cultural books were edited and published, In a short period of several years, the achievements have been impressive and the reputation has risen so that Liangyou Book Company has become the cultural publishing center for progress in our country in the 1930s. In the business with the editor pictorial keep pace, equal shares. Later, due to the August 13 war and the war in Hunan and Guangxi