中国足球队去年初饮恨泰国的消息,使张家口市一个小学生坐卧不安,茶饭无味。小家伙将零用钱一分一分攒起来,凑足了路费,瞒着家长和老师,只身来到北京,他拉着中国足球队队员们的手说:“我要找你们的总教练,我有高招!” 这个小家伙与足球队的大哥哥们一起生活了三天,满载而归。他是否真有高招,姑且不论;他将来在足球方面的发展如何,下结论也为时过早。但他这种可贵的童心,却使我联想了许多事情。如果孩子的父母不懂得教子之道,也许会对他发一通脾气,骂他不安心学习,甚至采取某些防范措
Chinese football team hated Thailand’s news early last year, so that a primary school student in Zhangjiakou restless, tasteless tea. The little guy will pocket money saved, get enough money, without the knowledge of parents and teachers, came to Beijing alone, he took the hands of Chinese football team players said: “I want to find your head coach, I have a brilliant idea! ”" This little guy lives with the big brother of the football team for three days and returns with great success. Whether he really brilliant, let alone; his future development in the football, the conclusion too early. However, his precious innocence has reminds me of many things. If the child’s parents do not know how to teach the children, they may send a temper to him and scolding him for reluctance to learn or even take some precautionary measures