中国的教育产业正在蓬勃发展,教育机构的营销战略与战术在机构的发展中起到至关重要的作用、拥有蓬勃的朝气和无限的前景,而中国需要一个适合国情的教育培训行业,需要一个满足市场需求又能健康发展的教育培训行业,作为教育培训行业的重要组成细胞一教育培训机构,能在市场竟争中立足,能打败竟争对手,赢得消费者。新东方教育科技集团是中国最盛名和影响力最大的教育培训机构,距今走过了21年的历程,它的历史是一本鲜活的教科书。新东方一直致力于阐扬一种朝气蓬勃、奋发向上的精神,一种从绝望中义无反顾地寻找希望的精神。本文将分析新东方教育科技集团针对市场需求所形成的营销战术。“,”[ABSTRACT]:Chinese education industry is booming, marketing strategy and tactics of thedevelopment of educational institutions in the organization plays an important role, has the vigor and boundless prospects, and China need a suitableeducation and training industry, the need for a meet market demand and the healthy development of the education and training industry, as an important component of cell education and training industry education and training institutions, in market competition foothold, can defeat the competitors, to win the consumer. New Oriental Education & Technology Group is the most famous andinfluential Chinese education and training institutions, it passed through thecourse of 21 years, its history is a vivid textbook. The New Oriental School strives with all its energy for constant improvement. This paper will analyze the New Oriental Education & Technology Group formedfor the market demand, marketing tactics.