来安县是安徽省首届修志中较早完成县志编纂任务的县份之一。之所以能在较短的时间里以较高的质量编竣问世 ,主要因为来安县志办公室在实行总编负责制方面做得比较好。1 986年 3月 ,安徽省地方志编纂委员会下达了《关于设立各级志书总编辑和副总编辑的意见》 (以下简称《意见》
Lai’an County is one of the first counties in Anhui Province to complete the task of compiling county records earlier. The reason why it can be published in a relatively short period of time with a high quality is mainly due to the fact that the office of Laoxianzhi Zhi Zhi is better at carrying out the responsibility of the chief editor. In March 986, the local history compilation committee of Anhui Province issued the Opinions on Establishing the Chief Editor and Deputy Editor-in-chief at all levels (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions)