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地理技能是学生在已有的地理知识和经验的基础上,经过反复练习探索而形成的操作某种地理活动的方式与能力表现。掌握地理技能和学习地理知识是相辅相成的,地理技能的掌握需要有一定的地理知识为基础,而地理技能的掌握又会大大地促进地理知识的掌握学习,还有利于学生的学习活动有效进行。一、在教学中培养学生运用地理地图、地理图表的技能地理地图是地理课的第二语言,在教学中要特别注意培养学生阅读和运用地图的技能,想方设法把教材知识全部落实在地理 Geographical skills are the ways and capabilities of students to manipulate certain kinds of geographical activities based on their existing geographical knowledge and experience after repeated practice and exploration. Grasping geography skills and learning geography knowledge are mutually reinforcing. The grasping of geography skills needs some geography knowledge, and the grasping of geography skills can greatly promote the mastery of geography knowledge, and it is also beneficial to the students’ learning activities effectively. First, in teaching students to use the skills of geographic maps, geographical charts Geography map is the second language of geography class, in teaching should pay special attention to training students to read and use the skills of the map, find ways to put all the textbook knowledge in the implementation of geography
【生活实例】  去年年底,马先生突然感冒,出现头痛、发烧等症状,感冒好转后,却一直鼻塞、头痛。看到某医院“低温等离子消融治鼻炎、鼻窦炎无创伤,随治随走”的广告,就来到该院检查,结果显示是“鼻炎、鼻窦炎”。医生告诉马先生,他需要做一个低温等离子消融手术,让肥大的鼻甲缩小,达到治疗目的。手术第二天,马先生的鼻子周围就肿起来,鼻子、嗓子疼痛不已,连咽口唾沫都感到嗓子疼,而且两侧鼻孔都不能呼吸,只能用嘴呼