在选育的籼型两用不育系812S中分化出1个农艺性状基本一致的光氧化变异株系812HS,秧苗期叶色正常,但分蘖盛期~拔节期,在低温强光照射下,叶尖发生光氧化而变黄。生理分析结果表明,812HS叶片的PSⅡ反应中心活力和PSⅡ电子传递活力低于野生型,而剩余光能高于野生型,光能利用效率低于野生型,说明812HS的性状是由已合成的叶绿素受光氧化伤害造成的。以812HS/090028 F1和F2群体为材料进行遗传分析,结果表明,该光氧化性状受1对新的显性主基因LPO1(t)控制。采用BSA法,用微卫星SSR标记将LPO1(t)基因初步定位于第4染色体上的分子标记RM307与RM401之间,LPO1(t)与2个标记间的遗传距离分别为4.3 cM和4.5 cM。LPO1(t)是水稻中一个与其他叶片光氧化相关基因不同的新基因。
In the indica dual-purpose CMS line 812S, one photooxidation mutant line 812HS with basically the same agronomic traits was differentiated. The seedling leaf color was normal, but the tillering stage to the jointing stage. Under low temperature and strong light irradiation, Photooxidation of the tip occurs yellowing. Physiological analysis showed that the activity of PSⅡ and the electron transfer activity of PSⅡ in 812HS leaves were lower than those in wild type, but the residual light energy was higher than that in wild type, and the light use efficiency was lower than that in wild type. This indicated that the characters of 812HS were composed of chlorophyll Oxidative damage caused by light. Genetic analysis of 812HS / 090028 F1 and F2 populations showed that the photooxidation trait was controlled by a new dominant dominant gene LPO1 (t). Using the microsatellite SSR marker, the LPO1 (t) gene was primarily mapped on the chromosome 4 between RM307 and RM401 using the BSA method. The genetic distances between LPO1 (t) and two markers were 4.3 cM and 4.5 cM, respectively . LPO1 (t) is a new gene in rice that is different from other genes related to photooxidation of leaves.