患者 ,男 ,60岁 ,因肉眼无痛性血尿 1个月于1 1月 1 4日入院。既往身体健康 ,否认高血压、心脏病史。入院后体检未发现异常 ,经B超及膀胱镜等检查考虑膀胱恶性肿瘤可能性大 ,于 1 1月 2 8日行膀胱全切加回肠代膀胱术 ,手术顺利。术后经抗感染、止血等对症治疗 ,手术切口Ⅰ期愈
Patient, male, 60 years old, hospitalized for painless hematuria for 1 month on January 1, January 14. Past physical health, denied high blood pressure, history of heart disease. After admission, no abnormalities were found in the physical examination. The possibility of malignant tumors of the bladder was considered by examination of B-mode ultrasonography and cystoscopy. On January 28, January 18, bladder resection and ileal neobladder were performed successfully. Anti-infection after surgery, bleeding and other symptomatic treatment, surgical incision Ⅰ more