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随着人们对就医环境要求的不断提高,医院的整体环境景观越来越成为易地新建医院建设的重点。环境优良并赋予人性化关怀的医院环境更利于患者情绪的稳定、愉悦和身体康复,这将使康复过程变得更为轻松且更易成功。本文以诸暨市人民医院为例,从医院环境景观设计的设计原则、总体布局、绿化设计等方面论述了医院环境规划设计中应重点考虑的若干问题。 With the continuous improvement of people’s requirements for medical treatment, the overall environmental landscape of the hospital has increasingly become the focus of the construction of new hospitals in Guangdong Province. A hospital environment with good environment and personalized care is more conducive to patient’s emotional stability, pleasure and physical recovery, which will make the rehabilitation process easier and more successful. Taking Zhuji People ’s Hospital as an example, this paper discusses some key issues that should be considered in the planning and design of hospital environment from the design principles, overall layout and green design of hospital environment landscape design.
把我带去吧,我的风筝,  快快把我带上蓝天!  我要在天上飞行,  我要在天上盘旋,  我要像鸟儿那样飞呀飞,  飞过大海哟,飞过大洋。  把我带去吧,我的风筝,  快快把我带上蓝天!  在天空看看世界有多棒,  去看全世界的小朋友有多好,  我要同他们手拉手,  我要同他们一起欢笑。  把我带去吧,我的风筝,  快快把我带上蓝天!  [说 诗]  生:我觉得这首诗表达了作者想要飞上蓝天的强烈愿望