Monte Carlo simulation for the micellar behavior of amphiphilic comb-like copolymers

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huntout
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Micellar behaviors in 2D and 3D lattice models for amphiphilic comb-like copolymers in water phase and in water/oil mixtures were simulated. A dynamical algorithm together with chain reptation movements was used in the simulation. Three-dimension displaying program was pro-grammed and free energy was estimated by Monte Carlo technigue. The results demonstrate that reduced interaction energy influences morphological structures of micelle and emulsion stems greatly; 3D simulation showing can display more direct images of morphological structures; the amphiphilic comb-like polymers with a hydrophobic main chain and hydrophilic side chains have lower energy in water than in oil. Micellar behaviors in 2D and 3D lattice models for amphiphilic comb-like copolymers in water phase and in water / oil mixtures were simulated. A dynamical algorithm together with chain reptation movements was used in the simulation. Three-dimension displaying program was pro-grammed and free energy was estimated by Monte Carlo technigue. The results demonstrate that reduced interaction energy influences morphological structures of micelle and emulsion stems greatly; 3D simulation showing can display more direct images of morphological structures; the amphiphilic comb-like polymers with a hydrophobic main chain and hydrophilic side chains have lower energy in water than in oil.
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