一九八六年十二月九日晚,兰州大学礼堂的舞台上,大学生和解放军战士并肩演唱,舞台下,观众们敛声屏气,纹丝不动。一个仅有一千八百多座位的礼堂居然塞了三千多人。演出一直进行了四个半小时。 这是兰大学生和祖国南疆战士共同纪念“一二·九”运动四十七周年的联欢大会。 一九八五年的“一二·九”前夕,兰大学生同云南边防前线某部展开了“奉献我青春,强盛我中
On the night of December 9, 1986, on the stage of the auditorium of Lanzhou University, undergraduates and soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army took part in the concert. Under the stage, the audience gathered their breath and held their breath. An auditorium with just over 1,800 seats plunged more than 3,000. The show has been going on for four and a half hours. This is a gala meeting between Blue University students and the southern warriors in commemoration of the 47th anniversary of the “January 9” campaign. On the eve of “January 29” in 1985, the Lan University students started a seminar titled "Dedicating me to youth and strengthening me