Selective Oxidation of PM over Li Doped Potassium Titanate Catalysts

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helen527
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K2Ti2O5 and LixK2-xTi2O5 samples with varying K contents (x=0.125, 0.15, 0.3), targeted on removal of two main environmental pollutants: PM and NOx, were synthesized by the solid state method using TiO2, KNO3 and LiOH·H2O as starting materials and were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, and BET. The catalytic activity of titanate catalysts on PM oxidation was evaluated using the temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) method. The test results showed that the perovskite structure of K2Ti2O5 was still retained after doping a small amount of Li, and the catalytic performance of LixK2-xTi2O5 had been improved significantly compared with that of K2Ti2O5. Li0.15K1.85Ti2O5 catalyst had the highest catalytic activity with an ignition temperature of 210 ℃ and a peak temperature of 290 ℃. The catalytic activity of both K2Ti2O5 and LixK2-xTi2O5 under intimate contact was higher than that under loose contact. When the exhaust gas flow rate was around 100 mL/min, the catalyst samples showed a highest activity. The Li doped K2Ti2O5 could be an excellent candidate for PM oxidation due to its high oxidation activity, water stability, resistance to sulfur poisoning and economical advantages. K2Ti2O5 and LixK2-xTi2O5 samples with varying K contents (x = 0.125, 0.15, 0.3), targeted on removal of two main environmental pollutants: PM and NOx, were synthesized by the solid state method using TiO2, KNO3 and LiOH.H2O as starting materials and were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, and BET. The catalytic activity of titanate catalysts on PM oxidation was (TPO) method. The test results showed that the perovskite structure of K2Ti2O5 was still retained after doping a small amount of Li, and the catalytic performance of LixK2-xTi2O5 had been improved significantly compared with that of K2Ti2O5. Li0.15K1.85Ti2O5 catalyst had the highest catalytic activity with an ignition temperature of 210 ° C and a peak temperature of 290 ° C. The catalytic activity of both K2Ti2O5 and LixK2-xTi2O5 under in contact contact was higher than that under under loose contact. When the exhaust gas flow rate was around 100 mL / mi The catalyst samples showed a highest activity. The Li doped K2Ti2O5 could be an excellent candidate for PM oxidation due to its high oxidation activity, water stability, resistance to sulfur poisoning and economical advantages.
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