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A model for measuring aerosol mass concentration by an optical particle counter is presented using the conception of the average mass. In this model, to understand the meaning of the pulse height distribution of particles which is used to inverse mass concentration, the relationship among intensity distribution in the optical sensing volume, particle shape, and the pulse height distribution is discussed. To solve the instability of the equivalent factor, a novel two-step calibration method is proposed. The experimental results demonstrate that mass concentrations calculated by the model are in good agreement with those measured by a norm-referenced instrument. For samples of soot and air, the slopes of fitting lines of data points are 0.9582 and 0.9220, and the correlation coefficients are 0.9991 and 0.9965, respectively.
In this letter, we propose a method for the numerical calculations of the femtosecond laser pulse passed through a subwavelength aperture. The time-dependent laser pulse is decomposed into a series of monochromatic simple harmonic waves.For the light fiel
A diode-end-pumped electro-optic (EO) Q-switched green laser operating at the repetition rate of 20 kHz is reported. A block of La
针对光刻机照明系统的实际应用需求,提出了一种光瞳特性参数的评估算法。该算法通过对光瞳强度分布进行转换,可以在不同照明模式下同时计算光瞳椭圆度、X方向光瞳极平衡性、Y方向光瞳极平衡性和四象限光瞳极平衡性等多种光瞳特性参数。以一种28 nm节点扫描光刻机照明系统的中继镜组为实例,对其在传统照明模式下进行光瞳特性参数计算分析。仿真结果显示,全视场光瞳椭圆度最大值为0.95%,X方向和Y
We demonstrate the long distance transmission of single-carrier frequency division multiple address signals by directly-modulated optically injection-locked vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser. Transmission distance as long as 50 km is achieved at 5 Gb
We propose four-level phase pair encoding and decoding with single interferometric phase retrieval for holographic data storage. Inherent with phase pair encoding, phase shifting is generated by assigning a certain phase difference between two pixels of t
利用COMOSL多物理场有限元软件, 对无孔、圆形孔、正方形孔、菱形孔四种新型折叠梁形桥面结构Fabry-Perot(F-P)腔可调谐滤波器进行了电压-位移、应力和镜面平整度仿真, 以优选最佳的桥面结构。结果显示, 在相同驱动电压下, 菱形孔桥面的位移最大。同时, 桥面达到相同位移时, 菱形孔桥面所需的驱动电压最小, 并且菱形孔桥面的应力和平整度也能满足滤波器的设计要求。利用Essential Macleod软件对优选出的菱形孔桥面结构滤波器进行了滤波性能分析, 结果表明, 滤波器在3~5μm的光谱调谐范
我们报导了第一台准分子(XeF)激光泵浦五磷酸基质中Nd3 的激光器。3530埃的XeF激光输出被Nd3 离子的4I9/2→4D3/2跃迁所吸收,结果在4F3/2的跃迁上产生1.05微米的激光输出。对一个振荡器结构泵浦,阈值能量只有3亳焦耳,而斜率效率近1%。瞬时输出约为6.6亳徵秒(半极大全宽度)宽度的单脉冲,它起因于短的泵浦脉冲(半全宽≈24亳微秒)和Nd:P5O14高增益。这个装置可用来产生1~10亳微秒的短脉冲而不需要通常闪光灯泵浦激光器中的Q开关。