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中国自改革开放以来,出台过几项区域发展的重要国策,如包括建立经济特区和开发浦东在内的沿海经济发展战略、西部大开发等,东北振兴作为一项新的国策,已经开始让人憧惯东北将成为继珠江三角洲、长江三角洲和京津唐地区之后的中国内地经济第四增长极,并将开创一个“新东北时代”,有传媒称,振兴东北是一场新的“辽沈战役”。 区域发展与分区推进对我国地区经济发展战略具有十分重要的意义,是中国经济在新一轮发展中一个十分重要的战略支点,分区推进思路的实现取决于能否正确认识这个地区的比较优势,并遵循比较优势发展战略的原则来确立今后该地区的产业、产品和技术结构。因此,必须把地区的经济发展建立在自身具有的比较优势上,这样地区的经济才有可能在激烈的国内和国际市场竞争中取胜。 Since the reform and opening up, China has promulgated several important national policies for regional development such as the strategy for the coastal economic development including the establishment of special economic zones and the development of Pudong and the grand development of the western region. As a new national policy, rejuvenating the northeast China has begun to make people It is our hope that Northeast China will become the fourth growth pole of the Mainland after the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Province and will create a “new Northeast China era.” Some media said that rejuvenating the Northeast is a new “Liaoning-Shenyang Battle. ” Regional development and zoning promotion are of great significance to the strategy of regional economic development in our country. It is a very important strategic pivot for China’s economy in the new round of development. The realization of zoning-promoting ideas depends on whether we can correctly understand the comparative advantages of this region, And follow the principle of comparative advantage development strategy to establish the industrial, product and technological structure of the region in the future. Therefore, the economic development of a region must be based on its own comparative advantages so that the economy of a region can win the fierce competition in domestic and international markets.
现公布《国务院、中央军事委员会关于修改〈征兵工作条例〉的决定》,自公布之日起施行。 It is hereby announced that “the decision of the State Council and Central
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