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中华民族历史悠久,文化底蕴博大精深,古代圣人先贤的思想智慧在历史的大浪里几经沉浮,流传千古后至今仍然熠熠闪光。在幼儿园传承传统文化经典就是用民族文化哺育儿童,培养他们宏阔的视野、博大的情怀,独立坚毅的人格精神。为传承民族优秀文化,塑造孩子健全人格,培育高尚德行奠定了坚实基础。 The Chinese nation has a long history and profound cultural connotations. The wisdom and wisdom of ancient saints and savants have been rising and falling in the great waves of history, which still shine through the ages. Inheriting the traditional culture classic in kindergarten is to nurture children with national culture and cultivate their broad vision, broad feelings and independent and resolute personality spirit. It has laid a solid foundation for inheriting the excellent national culture, shaping the sound personality of children, and cultivating noble virtues.