同志们: 自治区去年贯彻执行五届全国人大四次会议关于开展义务植树运动的决议,获得了很好的成绩。 第一、动员了自治区的各族人民、兵团的全体农垦战士、乌鲁木齐军区的全体指战员参加了全民义务植树活动,其规模之大是新疆历史上从来没有的,使自治区开展全民义务植树运动有了良好的开端。 第二、去年完成全民义务植树4100多万株,促进了自治区植树造林工作的发展。
Comrades: The autonomous region carried out very well the resolution on carrying out the voluntary tree planting campaign carried out last year in the Fourth Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress. First, we mobilized all the people of all ethnic groups in the autonomous region, all the farmland reclamation fighters in the Corps, and all the commanders and soldiers of the Urumqi Military Region to participate in the voluntary tree-planting activities of the whole people. The large scale has never existed in Xinjiang’s history and has enabled the autonomous region to carry out the voluntary nationwide tree planting campaign. A good start. Second, last year, it completed more than 41 million volunteers to plant trees nationwide, promoting the development of afforestation in the autonomous region.