为了非法牟取暴利,一些厂家在复混肥的标识上颇费了一番脑筋,想出了不少歪点子,欺骗、误导消费者。现将复混肥标识常见问题分析归纳如下。 1.张冠李戴,产品名称不对。仍有不少企业未按国家标准规定标注“复混肥”而标注为“复合肥”。国际GB15063—1994明确规定,该标准仅“适用于复混肥(包括各种掺合肥料及各种专用肥料)。不适用于磷酸铵、硝酸磷肥、磷酸二氢钾等以化学方法合成的复合肥料。”
In order to illegally reap huge profits, some manufacturers took a lot of brains on the logo of compound fertilizer and came up with a lot of distorted ideas to deceive and mislead consumers. Now compound fertilizer identification common problem analysis is summarized as follows. 1. Zhang Guan Li Dai, the product name is wrong. There are still many enterprises not marked according to national standards “compound fertilizer” and marked as “compound fertilizer.” International GB15063-1994 clearly stipulates that the standard only “applies to the compound fertilizer (including a variety of blended fertilizers and various special fertilizers.) Does not apply to ammonium phosphate, nitrophosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other chemical synthesis of chemical fertilizers ”