天安门是祖国的心脏,是全国人民热爱的地方。天安门也是中国政治的晴雨表,被全世界政治家时刻注视着。负责天安门一带交通秩序的,是北京公安交通管理局东城支队的帅府园中队。由于这个特殊的执勤位置,他们注定要经受许许多多不同寻常的锻炼和考验。大盖帽砸醒了打盹的司机 1991年初春的一个料峭清晨,太阳的上边缘就要与地平钱相切,也就是说,站在北京的经纬度上看,第一缕阳光就要跃出地平线,洒向天安门广场。这是一个神圣的时刻,国旗班的战士们已分秒不差地集结在端门前,稍事整顿后,迈着
Tiananmen Square is the heart of the motherland and the place of love of all people in the country. Tiananmen is also a barometer of Chinese politics, watched by politicians all over the world. Responsible for Tiananmen Square traffic order, the Beijing Public Security Traffic Administration Dongcheng detachment Shuffle Park squadron. Because of this special duty location, they are destined to undergo many unusual exercises and tests. Big cap smashed awake naps driver early spring of 1991, a frosty morning, the sun’s edge must be with the horizon of money tangent, that is, standing in Beijing’s latitude and longitude, the first ray of sunshine must jumped the horizon, sprinkling To Tiananmen Square. This is a sacred moment, the soldiers in the national flag class have assembled in front of the door without delay, after a short rectification,