在当今社交媒体高度发达的年代,也为致力于高科技产品研发的科学家们为其实验室成果应用提供了空间,一批类似Marblar的众包网站应运而生——为科学家们发布他们尚未找到实际应用的科技成果。网站会员(不论其背景)被邀请公开讨论针对专利发明的可能性应用,他们的每一条建议都发布在网站的公开论坛上,同时也鼓励专利的发明者参与讨论,并附有采访录像及对他们工作的解释。访问者可以提出建议,也可以直接投票。受欢迎的建议通过一个积分系统辨识,有时还能得到一些现金奖励。Marblar吸引了一家位于伦敦的技术投资公司IP Group 60万美元的资金支持,Marblar则通过收取平台使用费和赞助金维持运作;如果某一应用建议最终被采纳,并由此成立了衍生公司,Marblar可
In the age of highly developed social media today, scientists dedicated to the research and development of high-tech products also provide space for the application of their laboratory results. A number of crowdsourcing websites like Marblar came into being - for scientists to announce that they have not yet found The practical application of scientific and technological achievements. Members of the site, regardless of their background, are invited to discuss openly the possibility of applying for a patented invention. Each of their suggestions is posted on the public forum of the site and the inventor of the patent is encouraged to participate in the discussion along with interviews and videos. Their job explanation. Visitors can make suggestions or vote directly. Popular advice is identified through an integral system, sometimes with some cash rewards. Marblar has attracted $ 600,000 in funding from IP Group, a London-based technology investment firm, while Marblar maintains its operations by charging royalties and sponsorships for platforms; if an application proposal is finally adopted and a spin-off is formed, Marblar can