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一九五四年度局对比较重大的技术组织措施项目加强了控制,局控项目占全年批出基金的85%;除为保证完成生产及新产品试制任务采取的措施外,并有目的的用于执行苏联专家建议及推广先进经验方面,同时并以基金的26%用于为提高一九五五年生产水平和增长速度的措施。这些工程全部完成后,将对提高产量、质量、劳动生产率,改善劳动条件,保证国家计划完成起到一定的作用。但一九五四年技措工程仅完成全年工作总量的81.61%,由于工程未能完工及时投入生产,不仅影响了实现其应有的经济效果给国家增加积累,而且对国家的投资造成了积压,同时也说明了技术组织措施工作在工程的进行及基金的运用上都存在着较严重的缺点,主要的表现在如下几方面:(一)技术组织措施计划与生产需要结合不够,项目零星一般化。零星购置与技措未予严格划分,有些企业为「要钱」而提计划,与生产需要结合不够, In 1954, the Bureau strengthened control over the more significant technical organization measures. Controlled projects accounted for 85% of the total funds approved in the year. Apart from the measures taken to ensure the completion of the trial production of new products and new products, there was a purposeful Used to implement Soviet experts’ advice and to promote advanced experience, and used 26% of the fund at the same time for measures to increase production level and growth rate in 1955. When all these projects are completed, they will play a certain role in improving the output, quality, labor productivity, improving working conditions and ensuring the completion of the state plan. However, in 1954, the technical measures project only completed 81.61% of the total annual work volume. Since the project was not completed and put into production in a timely manner, it not only affected the economic benefits of the project but also added investment to the country. The backlog also shows that there are serious shortcomings in the work of technical organization measures and the application of funds. The main problems are as follows: (1) The combination of technical organization measures and production needs is not enough, and the project Sporadic generalization. Sporadic acquisitions and technical measures are not strictly classified. Some enterprises make plans for “asking for money”, which is not sufficient for production needs.
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