Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) was isolated from apple samples. The juice was rubbed and inoculated with the virus, which could infect Chenopodium quinoa, C. amaranticolor, Nicotianaglutinosa and C. quinoa. niurale, Phaseolus vulgaris pinto and N. acidentalis 37B. In Quinoa leaf juice, the virus in vitro survival of about 3d (25 ℃), heat passivation point 60 ~ 65 ℃ (10min), the dilution limit of 10-4. Purified virus at -20 ℃, the survival period of 6 months or more. Purified virus solution A260 / A280 = 1.18. Virus particles were linear, the size of 620 ~ 680nm × 11 ~ 12nm. The capsid protein has a molecular weight of 31.0 kD. The rabbits were immunized with the purified virus, and the obtained antiserum was used to detect the purified virus samples and the leaves of quinoa infected with ASGV. The titer of the antisera was 1: 512 by capillary sedimentation reaction and 1:104 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay the above. The antisera was used to detect ASGV-infected apple plantlets and field-grown leaves.