【摘 要】
This paper presents the stable isotopic compositions from the cave dripwater and actively forming soda straw stalactites collected from Wanxiang Cave, Wudu,Gans
【机 构】
Center for Arid Environment and Paleoclimate Research (CAEP) and Key Laboratory of Western China's
This paper presents the stable isotopic compositions from the cave dripwater and actively forming soda straw stalactites collected from Wanxiang Cave, Wudu,Gansu, located on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Loess Plateau transition zone, China. The δ18Odw and δDdw of dripwater samples in the cave plot directly on the local MWL,constructed by using GNIP data from 3 sites surrounding the cave regions (Lanzhou, Xi'an, and Chengdu), the nearest site to the cave, suggesting that there is a close relationship between the δ18Odw of the cave water and the δ18O of the pre cipitations. Using the measured δ18Odw and δ18Omc values from the mid-farthest parts from the cave entrance and the carbonate paleotemperature equation, the calculated temperatures range from 8.9 to 12.4℃, with the mean value of 10.7℃ and the temperature calculated at 8 locations in the farthest part of the cave is in the range of 10.1-12.4℃, with the mean value of 11.5℃, being consistent with the survey value(10.99℃)in the cave, slightly lower than the mean annual temperature (14.4℃) in Wudu. This suggests that modern speleothems are forming under isotopic equilibrium and their isotopic composition accurately reflects the mean annual temperature at the surface, indicating that the isotopic composition of the modern speleothems records local temperature change with credibility.
目的 基于相对辐射校正的多时相TM(专题制图仪)图像对南昌县五洲头地区进行分析,探测新螺区的环境变化.方法 收集1998年4月3日、2000年4月16日和2004年5月5日的三景鄱阳湖TM图像,以2004年为参照对1998和2000年的图像进行相对辐射校正,对校正后的图像提取植被等信息并收集五洲头历年的螺情资料.结果 1998年4月3日五洲头地区植被覆盖率为4.76%,2000年4月16日和200
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