Randomized Clinical Trials of Traditional Chinese Medicines for Treating Ulcerative Colitis: A Scopi

来源 :世界中医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liwang0113
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Objective: Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are efficacious against ulcerative colitis (UC). In recent years, the number of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of TCM has increased. Thus, it is very important to summarize the basic characteristics, quality, and types of TCM interventions in published RCTs. This scoping review was performed to systematically identify and describe the current situations about RCTs of TCMs for treating UC. Hope to express the focus and specifics of nowadays research in TCM interventions in RCTs and evaluate their common disadvantages exposed to help advance in TCM researching. Materials and Methods: A scoping review was conducted according to the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews. We searched two English databases and four Chinese databases from the date of establishment of each database to January 2020. Data from RCTs focusing on any TCM treatment for patients with UC were extracted and evaluated. Selection and characterization were performed by two independent reviewers using predefined forms. All discrepancies were resolved by consensus discussion with a third reviewer. Microsoft Excel 2010 was used to extract the following data from the included studies: (1) basic information of the included studies including research ID, article title, publication language, journal, year of publication, and funding information; (2) patient information including gender, age, disease course, disease stage, severity, sample size; and (3) information on intervention measures, types of intervention measures, drug dosage forms, and treatment courses. Results: The search identified 2225 RCTs published between 1987 and 2020. These studies covered 36 provinces in China. The time frame of the RCTs was <28 days in approximately one?third of the RCTs (647, 29.08%). Only one RCT was published in English. Nearly three?quarters of RCTs (1665, 74.83%) did not report the severity of the disease. Three types of interventions were included in the RCTs: pharmacotherapy (2028, 91.15%), nonpharmacotherapy (57, 2.56%), and a combination of the two (140, 6.29%). The administration modes of the intervention groups were evaluated. Drug therapy involved 12 types of TCM dosage forms, which were decoctions, troches, powders, capsules, granules, pills, suppositories, ointments, injections, gels, oral liquids, and substitute tea according to the frequency of use. Nondrug intervention measures involved 10 treatment options, namely, acupuncture, moxibustion, hemospasia, auricular point, acupoint catgut embedding, acupoint injection, scrapping, tuina, acupoint application, and five?tone therapy according to the frequency of use. Most studies included in this review were low in quality. This underscores the need for improvement in the quality of trial methodology in TCM RCTs.
为加速花生新品种开农99在适应种植区的推广应用,笔者分析了该品种在2018-2019年河南省联合体花生区域试验中的产量数据。试验结果表明,开农99在2年16个试点中15点增产,分别居参试品种第2位和第1位,平均产量为401.8 kg/亩,较对照增产14.05%,丰产性突出;并且高稳系数较高,同时回归系数均大于且接近于1,表明该品种是一个兼具丰产性和稳产性的优良花生新品种,能够在生产上大面积推广应用。
在小麦拔节初期喷施不同抗倒剂,研究其对小麦的抗倒伏能力、植株长势、农艺性状、产量构成三要素和产量的影响。结果表明,喷施不同抗倒剂能降低植株高度,提高植株抗倒伏能力,缩短基部第二节间长度,增加穗粒数与粒重。其中多效唑(25%悬浮剂)施药量为375 mL/hm2、挺立施药量为450 mL/hm2、10%多唑·甲哌鎓可湿性粉剂施药量为600 mL/hm2时增产及抗倒效果较佳。
为明确不同作用机理的药剂对草莓白粉病的防治效果,开展了相关田间药效试验。结果表明,第2次药后14 d叶片防效,43%氟菌·肟菌酯SC和42.4%唑醚·氟酰胺SC处理防效较好,分别为87.08%和82.88%;其次为30%氟菌唑WP、30%醚菌酯WP和4%四氟醚唑EW处理,防效分别为73.05%、72.18%和71.03%。第2次药后14d果实防效,42.4%唑醚·氟酰胺SC处理防效最好,为73.13%;43%氟菌·肟菌酯SC、30%醚菌酯WP防效次之,分别为67.99%和61.86%。综合试验结果分析,防
安定区马铃薯种植面积大,马铃薯晚疫病易发生。通过选择目前市场上防治马铃薯晚疫病的药剂,进行组合喷施,筛选防治效果最佳的药剂组合和喷施浓度。试验结果表明,采用80%代森锰锌100 g/亩+58%甲霜·锰锌可湿性粉剂100 g/亩+58%甲霜·锰锌可湿性粉剂100 g/亩+52.5%恶酮·霜脲氰(抑快净)水分散粒剂40 g/亩+68.75%银法利悬浮剂75 mL/亩+52.5%恶酮·霜脲氰(抑快净)水分散粒剂40 g/亩,对马铃薯晚疫病防治效果较好,晚疫病的发病率最低,平均为9.5%,较T5(CK)处理低11
为大面积推广华油杂72,开展旱地、水田不同施肥量与习惯施肥和不施肥作对照的对比试验,探索最佳施肥量。试验结果表明,油菜专用肥(旱地、水田)最佳施肥量为750 kg/hm2,比不施肥分别增产75.6%和50.9%,比习惯施肥分别增产23.0%和26.6%,增产效果显著。油菜简化施肥可以释放出更多劳动力,本试验研究为油菜大面积种植提供了技术支撑。
本文作者以5年生的灰枣为试验材料,通过对种植密度为8325株/hm2的密植灰枣园进行隔行隔株间伐,进而研究灰枣园疏密前后对灰枣的单株枣吊数、木质化枣吊数、叶片数、单株产量、果实品质的影响。结果表明,密植灰枣园在经过有计划的间伐后,灰枣的叶片数、枣吊数都有明显增加,特别是木质化枣吊数间伐前后差异达到极显著水平,处理区比对照区木质化枣吊数增加53个;相比密植园,第一年间伐后灰枣的平均亩产量有所下降,亩产量下降了191.34 kg;间伐前后灰枣果实品质有所变化,疏密后灰枣果型指数、单果重有一定增加,果实单果重增