On the assumption that the salt effect (salting-out or salting-in) representsthe balance of the electrostatic effect between the ion and the water dipole andthe dispersion effect between ion and nonelectrolyte molecule, the solubilitiesof n-valeric acid in five cobaltammimes were studied and reported in article Ⅰof this series. In the present investigation the activity coefficients of naph-thalene in two series of salts are determined spectrophotometrically. The firstseries consists of seven sodium salts of fatty acids (sodium formate to sodiumn-heptylate), differing from one another only by the number of CH_2 groups inthe anions. The second series consists of ammonium bromide and three tetra-
On the assumption that the salt effect (salting-out or salting-in) representsthe balance of the electrostatic effect between the ion and the water dipole and the dispersion effect between ion and nonelectrolyte molecule, the solubilities of n-valeric acid in five cobalt ammimes were studied and reported in article Ⅰ of this series. In the present investigation the activity coefficients of naph-thalene in two series of salts are determined spectrophotometrically. The first series consists of seven sodium salts of fatty acids (sodium formate to sodiumn-heptylate), differing from one another only by the number of CH_2 groups inthe anions. The second series consists of ammonium bromide and three tetra-