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3月15日,在台湾纬创集团成都制造基地投产之际,中共四川省委副书记、四川省省长蒋巨峰在成都会见了纬创集团董事长林宪铭及其部分伙伴企业负责人。蒋巨峰表示,很高兴看到纬创成都制造基地正式投产,看到纬创的众多伙伴企业也来到四川,这将为纬创在川发展提供全方位的支撑,既能有效地促进纬创的生产成本降低和时效提升,也将为四川电子信息产业及全省经济发展带来新的增长点。蒋巨峰说,四川正在加快转变经济发展方式,推动产业结构优化升级。我们将一方面继续承接重大产业转移项目,一方面加快科技成果转化,培育一大批市场空间大、成长性好、拥有自主知识产权的企业。我们欢迎更多企业加入到四川经济转型升级的过程中,拓展合作领域,实现互利共赢。林宪铭感谢四川省各级政府对纬创在川项目的大力支持。他说,四川和成都的投资环境优越,纬创的众多伙伴都对在 March 15 At the commissioning of Chengdu Weichang Group Manufacturing Base in Taiwan, Jiang Jufeng, deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee and governor of Sichuan Province, met with Lin Xianming, chairman of Wistron Group, and some of its partner enterprises in Chengdu. Chiang Kyo-feng said that he was pleased to see the formal start-up of Wistron’s manufacturing base in Chengdu and the numerous partner enterprises of Wistron to come to Sichuan. This will provide Wistron with a full range of support in the development of Sichuan and effectively promote Wistron The reduction of production costs and aging will also bring new growth points for Sichuan’s electronic information industry and the province’s economic development. Jiang Jufeng said that Sichuan is speeding up the transformation of its economic development mode and promoting the optimization and upgrading of its industrial structure. On the one hand, we will continue to undertake major industrial transfer projects. On the one hand, we will speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and foster a large number of enterprises with large market potential, good growth potential and independent intellectual property rights. We welcome more enterprises to join in the process of economic restructuring and upgrading in Sichuan, expand cooperation areas and achieve mutual benefits and win-win results. Lin Xianming thanked all levels of Sichuan Province government for the Wistron project in Sichuan strong support. He said that the investment environment in Sichuan and Chengdu is superior and that many of Wistron’s partners are right there
【摘要】教学过程不仅是一种特殊的认识活动,更是一种情感过程、一种探究过程、一种交往过程。教学过程最本质的目的应该是充分关注学生的体验能力,关注全面发展。只有学生自觉投入学习,亲自体验求知的快乐,才能真正激发其学习兴趣;有让学生多一些探询结论、发现问题的体验,才能真正形成科学的态度,培养良好的学习习惯。本文以《电子银行业务》课程为例,探索体验式教学如何应用在课题教学中。  【关键词】体验式教学 直接
【摘要】教学要走进生活世界,培养学生适应社会的能力,教学中要鼓励学生进行发散思维,“情感”是语文教学之气,突出“双性”,激活中职语文教学。  【关键词】中职语文 教学改革  【中图分类号】G671 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)02-0032-02  职业中专是培养初级人才的摇篮,作为基础教育中重要学科的语文,责无旁贷地要担负起培养高素质人才的任务。从教以来,笔者一直