Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can often cause a variety of hematological abnormalities. The author of 102 cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related syndrome (ARC) and asymptomatic homosexual men at high risk for blood tests, found that anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia with the incidence of HIV infection The severity of clinical disease increases with the hematocrit, leukocyte count, neutrophil and lymphocyte absolute decline and thrombocytopenia rates in AIDS patients being significantly higher than those in ARC and asymptomatic high-risk individuals, respectively. Bone marrow examination in 34 cases, of which 59% were significantly hyperplasia, 35% hyperplasia, 6% hyperplasia. Half showed hyperplasia (megaloblastic degeneration, maturation, especially granulocytes), most have increased plasma cells, atypical lymphocytes infiltration and aggregation, part of the eosinophils or cells can be seen increased, reticulum protein focal lesions Sexual and diffusive increase. A few visible non-cheese granulomas