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印度谷螟[Plodia interpunctella(Hubaer)]除严重为害贮粮和种子以外,还为害干果、糖果、生药材、昆虫标本、鲜枣等,在我省还见为害干辣椒和酒曲,是重要的贮粮害虫。湿度是一切陆生动物生命不可缺少的重要生态因素,对昆虫的生长发育、繁殖及数量增殖有着极大的影响。通过控制昆虫生长环境的湿度来控制昆虫的种群数量是防治室内贮藏害虫的 Plodia interpunctella (Hubaer) is an important source of stored dried peppers and koji in our province, in addition to serious damage to stored grain and seeds, as well as dried fruits, candies, raw herbs, insect specimens and fresh dates. Food pests. Humidity is an indispensable ecological factor of all terrestrial animals and has a great impact on the growth, reproduction and population growth of insects. The population of insects controlled by controlling the humidity of the growth environment of insects is to control the indoor storage of pests
<正> 类立克次氏体的发现1909年,年轻的美国病理学家立克次(H. T. Ricketts)在研究由扁虱传播的斑疹热.他在感染的寄主细胞里,发现了一类比通常所见的细菌小的微生物,后来证