
来源 :中山大学研究生学刊(自然科学.医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:calmisen
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本文采用模糊等价聚类、模糊C-均值聚类法对伶仃洋河口175个沉积物样本做了聚类分析,讨论了两种方法对于沉积物聚类的适用性和各类沉积物在伶仃洋河口的分布区域,结果表明:对沉积物的聚类分析模糊C-均值聚类法较模糊等价聚类法更为适用,聚类结果表明:第一类沉积物主要分布与内伶仃岛北侧、东侧以及向大濠延伸的区域,其余研究区域有少量分布。第二类沉积物分布区域最为广泛,主要分布于虎门口外到内伶仃岛的整个偏东区域、内伶仃岛东南方以及淇澳岛南侧,且以黏土质粉砂为主。第三类沉积物主要分布在洪奇门、横门口外东南侧,粒径较粗以砂为主,第四类沉积物较少,各个区域有少量分布。 In this paper, we use fuzzy equivalent clustering and fuzzy C-means clustering method to cluster 175 sediment samples in Lingdingyang estuary, and discuss the applicability of the two methods to sediment clustering and various kinds of sediments The results show that the fuzzy C-means clustering method is more suitable for fuzzy clustering analysis than the fuzzy equivalent clustering method. The clustering results show that the first type of sediment is mainly distributed with Neilingding Island In the north, east and the area that extends to Ohor, the rest of the study area has a small distribution. The second type of sediment is the most widely distributed, mainly distributed in the entire eastward of Hu Lingmen to Neilingding Island, southeast of Neilingding Island and south of Qi’ao Island, with clay-silt mainly. The third type of sediments are mainly distributed in the south of Hongqimen and Hengmenmen. The coarse grains are mainly of sand, the fourth type of sediments are less, and the sediments of each part are distributed in a small amount.
[摘 要] 学前教育理论发展以来,关于成人如何对待幼儿发展的时间观念都有相关的论述或提及,然而针对教育实践没有切实明确的理论支撑,使教育活动无法践行正确的时间观念、促进幼儿更好地发展。尊重幼儿发展的时间,给予幼儿充足的时间;发挥成人的作用,高效利用时间。以主题教育活动为基础,探索如何在实践中体现正确的时间观念,尊重幼儿在时间上的主体地位。  [关 键 词] 主题活动;幼儿发展的时间;教育实践  [