The genomie DNA of CaMV (Xinjiang isolate) was mapped on the virion DNA with anumber of restriction endonueleases by double digestions and partial digestions of one-end~(32)P-labelled fragments. It contained the unique sites of BglI, SalI and XhoI. BamHI andHhaI each cut it at two sites, EeoRI at five sites (three of which were located), Hpa Ⅱ atseven sites, BglⅡ at eight sites, and HaeⅢ at ten sites. The sites of all the enzymes usedabove, as well as HindⅢ which cut at ton sites were also mapped on the cloned CaMVDNA. Virion DNA and cloned viral DNA gave the same results in the number and locationof cleavage sites of the restriction enzymes tested on both DNAs. Like most of the otherisolates, CaMV-Xinjiang isolate has three single-stranded discontinuities. From the diges-tion patterns of SalI, XhoI, EcoRI and HhaI, it is concluded that the restriction map ofCaMV-XJ genome is closely related to that of BKMV isolate from East Germany.
The genomie DNA of CaMV (Xinjiang isolate) was mapped on the virion DNA with an extension of restriction endonucleases by double digestions and partial digestions of one-end ~ (32) P-labeled fragments. It contains the unique sites of BglI, SalI and XhoI BamHI andHhaI each cut it at two sites, EeoRI at five sites (three of which were located), HpaII atseven sites, BglII at eight sites, and HaeIII at ten sites. The sites of all the enzymes usedabove, as well as Hind III which cut at ton sites were also mapped on the cloned viral DNA gave the same result in the number and location of cleavage sites of the restriction enzymes tested on both DNAs. Like most of the other isolates, CaMV-Xinjiang isolate has Three single-stranded discontinuities. From the diges-tion patterns of SalI, XhoI, EcoRI and HhaI, it is registered that the restriction map of CaMV-XJ genome is closely related to that of BKMV isolate from East Germany.