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出差刚回家,年青的语文老师就拿着一本作文簿匆匆地找上门来,“请你这个班主任看看!”原来,作文课上他布置学生学写一则新闻,写前特别强调了新闻的真实性,然而小A(恕不写其真名)却杜撰了一则自己坠楼身亡、众人拍手称快的消息。语文老师很气愤,认为小A这是故意和他捣乱,要求我狠狠地治治他。送走语文老师,我的心翻腾开了:小小的年纪,怎么会想到死呢?这是不是故意捣乱?其背后有没有原因?若不弄清这些问题就盲目“出击”,非但收效不大,且会影响教师在全班学生心目中的形象。基于小A性格较内向、言语不多的特点,笔者决定先暂不直接与他接触,而从侧面了解小A的情况。通过调查,得知该生在作文前一天值日时,由于粗心,使班级得分被扣掉了六分(我们班为先进班,有时几周被扣总分之和也不过六分左右),于是同学埋怨他,他也自觉内疚,与平时相比,更显得郁郁寡欢。按班上规定,发生如此严重的过失,学期操行应评定为丙级——一个很差的等第,而他上学期的操行等第亦为丙级。 Business just home, the young language teacher with a workbook hurriedly came to the door, “Please look at this class teacher!” It turned out that he arranged for students to write a lesson in composition class, writing before the special emphasis The authenticity of the news, however, small A (not to write their real name) has coined a fall dead, everyone applauded news. Language teacher is very angry, that small A This is deliberately with him trouble, asked me to rule him mercilessly. Sent language teacher, my heart turmoil: a small age, how can think of it? This is not intentional trouble? Behind the reason? If you do not find out these problems blindly “attack”, not only failed to effect Big, and will affect the teacher's image in the eyes of the class of students. Based on the characteristics of small A more introverted, less language, the author decided not to be the first contact with him, but from the side to understand the situation of small A. Through investigation, we know that when the student was on the day before the composition, due to carelessness, the class score was deducted by six points (our class is an advanced class, and sometimes the sum of the deducted scores in a few weeks is also about six points) So students blame him, he also consciously guilty, compared with usual, even more unhappy. According to the provisions of the class, such a serious mistake occurred, the semester exercise should be assessed as C - a very poor ranking, and his last semester of the operation also rank C.
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一、前 言 早在三十年代,已经有人开始进行高压下X射线衍射技术的研究[1].随着高压技术的不断发展,实验方法也不断更新,压力范围不断扩大.六十年代初,人们开始应用金刚石对顶
勾誉安 8岁 济南  乐高拼装是我的最爱!警车、警察局、直升飞机、抢滩登陆艇、赛车、吉普车……嘿,自己动手制造的感觉超爽!最近,我迷上了拼辽宁号航空母舰,1800多块呢!拼了整整两天!可到了船尾时遇到问题了,原来,是我粗心,底下有一块没拼好,不得不拆了重新再来。My God!耳边,响起了老爸的伴奏: 心若在梦就在, 只不过是从头再来……  李鑫睿 9岁 滨州邹平  我两三岁的时候,妈妈给我买了块小
培养和提高学生的思维能力,是小学数学课堂教学的重要任务。本人根据自己的实践和粗浅的体会,认为主要应抓住如下三方面。 1.激发学生的学习兴趣,是诱发学生思维的前提。 兴