In order to explore the possibility of adenovirus vector carrying PromyelocyticLeukemia (PML) gene as a gene therapy for prostate cancer, recombinant human PML adenovirus (AdPML) was used to infect cultured prostate cancer cells and the expression of PML protein in cancer cells was compared with the control The growth of cancer cells in vitro and tumorigenic ability of nude mice in vivo were studied. Ad-PML was injected into tumor-bearing nude mice, and the changes of tumor growth in treatment group and control group were observed. The results showed that in vitro growth of Ad-PM-infected prostate cancer cells and nude mice in vivo tumorigenic ability decreased significantly, tumor-bearing nude mice around the injection of Ad PMML after tumor growth was significantly slower. Confirmed that PML is a growth inhibitory factor, suggesting that it may be applied to the study of gene therapy of prostate cancer