马萨诸塞州塔夫斯大学医学院安德鲁·阿顿斯坦(Andrew W.Artenstein)和明尼苏达州梅奥诊所疫苗研究组主任格雷戈里·博伦(Gregory A.Poland)表示,为了每个人的利益,人类必须要更努力地消除疾病。各种传染性疾病每年令数百万人丧生,给一些发展中国家增加了发病率的负担。这些疾病会导致社会动荡、政治骚乱,以及经济混沌,威胁着一些国家和地区,乃至全球的安全。这些传染病中有很多是可以预防的。一些疫苗可干预的传染病,如脊髓灰质炎、麻疹以及风疹对积极的干预手段非常敏感。比如针对脊髓灰质炎,目前人们的目标就是在全球范围内将它彻底根治。
Andrew W. Artenstein of Tufts University School of Medicine in Massachusetts and Gregory A. Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group in Minnesota, said that for the benefit of everyone, humans We must work harder to eliminate the disease. Various infectious diseases kill millions of people each year, adding to the burden of morbidity in some developing countries. These diseases can lead to social unrest, political unrest and economic chaos, threatening the security of some countries and regions and even the whole world. Many of these infectious diseases are preventable. Infectious diseases that can be interfered with by vaccines, such as poliomyelitis, measles and rubella, are very sensitive to aggressive interventions. For example, for the purpose of polio, people’s goal at the moment is to completely cure it worldwide.