B型超声诊断输尿管结石应用已久,大部分输尿管结石应用一般的常规探查方法就可确诊,但对于一部分输尿管内小结石用一般的常规探查方法难以做出确切的诊断,为此,我们应用利尿阻断输尿管法诊断上、中段输尿管结石12例,取得了满意效果,报告如下:1 方法我们应用RT~2800型实时超声诊断仪,探头频率为3.5兆赫。当用常规的肾输尿管探查方法未显示结石而只显示患侧肾盂少量积水,且临床症状及体征非常典型时,我们采用利尿阻断输尿管法探查。
B-mode ultrasound diagnosis of ureteral calculi has been used for a long time, most of the ureteral stones can be diagnosed by conventional methods of general exploration, but for some small ureteral stones using conventional routine exploration method is difficult to make an exact diagnosis, for which we use diuretic Obstruction of the ureter on the diagnosis, the middle ureteral calculi in 12 cases, and achieved satisfactory results, the report is as follows: 1 Methods We use RT ~ 2800 real-time ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus, the probe frequency of 3.5 MHz. When using conventional renal urethral exploration method does not show stones but only shows a small amount of water in the ipsilateral renal pelvis, and clinical symptoms and signs are very typical, we use diuretic block ureter exploration.